Are mosquito bites carry the risk of HIV infection?
HIV does not spread through mosquito bites or other insect bites. Even if the virus into the body of a mosquito or insect bite or suck blood, the virus can not reproduce itself in the body of insects. Because insects can not be infected with HIV, insects can not spread to the human body that digigitnya.
Do I have to fear contracting HIV when performing sporting activities?
There is no evidence that HIV can be transmitted when someone doing sports.
Can I touch infected with HIV from the usual? (shake hands, embrace, use the toilet, drinking from a glass that is also used by someone infected with HIV, or are close to someone who is infected cough or sneeze)?
HIV is not transmitted by day-to-day contact in social activities, in schools, or in the workplace. You can not be infected because you shake hands, embrace, use the same toilet or drinking from the same glass with someone infected with HIV, or exposure to coughing or sneezing the HIV infection.
Does HIV infect only gay people and drug users are?
No. Each person to have sex that is not protected, shared use of injection equipment, or be given a transfusion with blood terkontaminasi can be infected with HIV. Babies can be infected with HIV from the mother during pregnancy, during childbirth, or after giving birth via breast milk.
Some 90% of cases of HIV infection is a result of sexual abuse and 60-70% of cases of HIV among heteroseksual.
What we can know that someone infected with HIV only see from the appearance?
We can not bear to know that someone with HIV or AIDS just by looking at their appearance. A person infected with HIV may appear healthy and feel good any time, but they can still transmit the virus to you. Blood test is the only way to know whether someone infected with HIV or not.
Can I with more than one sexually transmitted infection (IMS) at the same time?
Yes. You can be exposed to more than one infection diseases (IMS) at the same time. Each infection requires treated yourself. You can not become immune to the IMS. You may also be exposed to infection the same many times. Many men and women who do not feel or see any early symptoms when they are first infected with the IMS, in spite of them can still infect seksualnya pair.
When someone is being undergoing antiretroviral therapy, he can transmit HIV to other people?
Antiretroviral therapy can not prevent transmission of virus to other people. Therapy can help reduce the amount of virus to a level that is not detected, but HIV still remain in the body, and can be transmitted to others through sexual relations, with the alternate use injection equipment, or through breastfeeding mothers baby.
Monday, August 10, 2009
HIV Aids Myths
Diposkan oleh kHoiRuL di 6:20 AM
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